Tuesday, May 4, 2010


Memphis in May!  What a fun filled weekend with family and friends!  For those of you who don't know what Memphis in May is- It is a 3 day music festival in downtown Memphis on the river!  Three days of music, mud, friends, crowds, and oh yeah.......ALCOHOL!  This being Mary and I's first trip to Memphis in May, we had no clue what to expect.  We've been told by Mary's sister Sarah, and her boyfriend Nate to expect mud, rain, more mud, and even more rain.  Geared up in the dorkiest outfits (Mud boots, cheap shorts, Crocks, and cheap shirts) we headed down to Memphis to experience this festival!
    Nate sure was right about the mud.  The mud could get ankle deep, and provided us with a challenge to walk anywhere.  The pucker effect was crazy, and the urge to kick mud on your friends was even greater!  Once saturated with mud and water, all there was to do was drink, be merry, and listen to some damn good music!  The weekend was awesome despite the 7 Tornado's and 13 inches of rainfall!  YUCK FOU!

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