Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Our very first look!

Wednesday, December 1, 2010 we saw you for the first time at 12 weeks! 

You were positioned perfectly for us to get a great picture of you!  You are so tiny in this picture (about the size of a credit card) but you can clearly see your little legs, eyes, ears and nose.  The dark spot on your chest is your heart, which was beating so strong, 165 beats per minute!

It was not only amazing to see you but to see you moving.  You were bouncing up and down, very strange to see and not feel.  You are a tiny little person, so healthy and growing right on track.  I thought that I would break down crying when I saw you for the first time, but I didn't.   When you appeared on the screen, I couldn't take my eyes off of you.  I had a smile on my face that reached ear to ear!  

Check out your little leg....and that tiny little foot!!!

We go back to find out if you are a boy or girl on January 26th!  I still have a strong feeling you are a girl, and I can not wait to find out!!!

We love you Tot!!!

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