Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Getting a New Lawn

        One of the many things Mary and I are conquering this year is a getting a new lawn!  Our existing lawn was very thin, not green, and the soil was horrible.  Our neighbor Larry told us that the previous owners removed all the grass in hopes to lay sod.  Unfortunately that never happened, and the lawn ended up being about 3 inches shorter.  Needless to say it was time to fix our lawn/grass problems!
        On Friday we had a dump truck deliver 6 bucket fulls of top soil, and dump it in the parking lot.  After mowing the grass as short as we could, and aerating the yard, it was time for the back breaking work of moving all that dirt one wheel barrel at a time.  After all the dirt had been laid, grass seed spread, fertilizer in place, and everything watered it mud!  Hopefully we will see some grass sprout!  If not, Mary will put a hurtin' on me for making her yard look worse!  KEEP YOUR FINGERS CROSSED!


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