Monday, October 11, 2010

Life is gonna change!

I haven't "blogged" in forever, partly because this summer has been so busy!  I do plan on "back dating" my blog once I have time, and the pictures together.  I do have a feeling that this blog will be taken over with the news of my wife's pregnancy!  We've been trying to conceive for months now, and just last night (after a weekend of BINGE DRINKING!!!!) Mary ran downstairs to tell me that she was pregnant!  Buzzed, and smoking a cigarette, I quickly realized that life is about to change FOREVER!!!  This has been an emotional 24hrs, as Mary and I are trying to grasp our new roles as Mom and Dad.  We couldn't be more excited and blessed to know that we are adding an addition to our home.  Our current babies (Charlie, Lucy, and Fin) have no clue that their lives are about to dramatically change as well!!!

  I can wait to start posting weekly pictures of my wife's belly as it begins to grow! 

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