Monday, November 22, 2010

Pregnancy Through week 10!

Tomorrow will mark 11 weeks into pregnancy and 6 weeks since we found out we are expecting!  

Sleep:  Each day as I move closer and closer to the 2nd trimester, I am gaining more and more energy!  I am starting to wake up with energy and I can actually last all day without a nap (some days...not all)!  

Morning Sickness:  The nausea that I was experiencing every few hours, has started to disappear!  I keep pretzels or crackers close by all the time, just in case!

Cravings:  So far, I have not had any major cravings.  They come randomly, and are satisfied as soon as I eat whatever it is I wanted and then don't return!  First major craving I had, was for an everything bagel and cream cheese around week 7!  My mouth was watering just thinking about one....after eating 2, I was so full!  I haven't wanted one since!  Last Friday (11/19), I was craving homemade chocolate cookies, mentioning this to Tater in an email...I was planning to whip some up that night!  But, when I got home from work there was a whole plate of warm cookies waiting for me!!  Tater is too good to me!!!

Weight Gain:  So far 3 lbs!  According to the Doc, a 3 to 6 lb. weight gain in the 1st trimester is normal!  So I am right on track!  I was told to expect a weekly weight gain of 1 to 1.5 lb in the 2nd, and this scares the shit out of me!  My entire adult life I have worked (either through diet or exercise, or both) to keep my weight under control, it will be hard to let the weight pile on...but I know I have too!

Clothes: So far so good!  Everything is still fitting just fine!  My pants are a little more snug than normal, but they still button and aren't uncomfortable!

Names:  I am pretty sure we have decided 100% on a boy's name! Girls names we are still toying with...although we do know that the middle name for a girl will be Reilly!

Temperature:  It's known that during pregnancy a women's body temperature increases!  This is something both Tater and I have been waiting for!  I am ALWAYS cold.  Day or night, dead of summer, sitting in front of a fire, I am ALWAYS cold!  Yesterday (11/21), it was in the low 50's, we were out and about and I got sooooo hot.  I ripped off my jacket and sweater and uggs as soon as I got in the car!  I rolled the window down trying to cool off!! Tater on the other hand who is usually either comfortable or hot was chilly!!  Maybe this is a sign that my temperature is rising and I will get a relief from my constant goose bumps?!?!?
Last Tuesday (11/16), we had our second doctor's appointment!  The Doctor confirmed that everything I am feeling is 100% normal!  After several minutes of chit chat and lab results she pulled out the Doppler!!!  She warned us, we may not be able to hear a heartbeat, but she wanted to try any way.  She pressed the little wand on my belly and we waited...straining to hear anything.  She explained that what we were hearing at first was my heart beat.  Tot's heart beat will be very fast compared to ours...she kept moving the wand then all of a sudden...there it was!  The sweetest, strongest, fastest heartbeat I had ever heard!  My eye's shot over to Tater, and his face showed how I felt, amazed!  That sound made it all so real!  Trust me, we know we are expecting, we know there is a baby inside of me, but it was hard to believe it all since we had not actually seen or heard  anything and I am not looking any different.  But, there is was, the most precious sound!  A moment that I will never ever forget.  As I sit here and think about it again, I am tearing up!  Yeah, I could chalk it up to pregnancy emotions, but let's be real, I think I will forever get teary eyed thinking about that moment!  In that moment, it became real, we are going to be parents, a mom and dad to a child, a  child we made together, a child that will be us, a child we will love more than ourselves!  It was an amazing experience, an experience that put a smile on my face for the rest of the day.  The moment that I have thought back to since, when I feel my mood starting to slide downward....just the thought of that moment, that tiny little sound, brings a smile to my face and turns my bad mood to good!! 

Thank you Tot for that first feeling of being a parent,  that first moment of loving something so much already and I haven't even laid eyes on you!  Your little heart was beating so fast!  150 bpm!!!  The old wives tales says that a heartbeat of under 140 = boy and above 140 = girl!  Over the past few weeks (even before hearing your heartbeat) I have had a feeling you are a girl, only 9 more weeks until we know for sure!!! Our doctor told us we will have our gender appointment at 20 weeks, that puts us the same week as my 30th birthday!   I can't think of a better way to mark a milestone birthday then to find out if you are  a little girl or little boy!!

And lastly, in exactly 8 days we have our first ultra sound!  I am already bursting with excitement!  I think about how the sound of that little heart beat made me feel, I can't imagine how I am going to feel seeing Tot for the very first time!!!  Dec. 1st can't come fast enough!!!

1 comment:

  1. Thats all you had to say about the sleep!?!?! Wow! The 6th and 7th week I couldn't keep you awake! You are getting more energy now though, and its great to have my Peanut returning to a normal state of awareness. Tot- Mom would wake up after a full nights sleep tired. She would come home at 4, sleep until 6, wake up for dinner, then sleep on the couch until 8. Mom would then take a shower, do her hair, and go to bed by 930 only to wake up the next day tired again! At only 6 weeks old you were making her exhausted! lol!!

    Cravings haven't been as bad as they have been funny. You do crave certain things sometimes, but never the same thing. So far these are the things that you have craved:

    Bagels (everything of course)
    Chocolate Chip Cookies
    Chicken Philly Sub
    Pancakes (although you were disappointed in the pancakes at IHOP)
    Pasta (tonight!)

    I love that you are getting warmer. This time of year I have to worry about you turning up the heat to 80 degrees (exaggeration), or turning off the fan at night. I normally have to suffer through sweating, or you have to suffer through freezing during this time of year. It is cool to see you get hot while I am a bit chilly!

    I dont care what the Doc said about maybe not hearing a heartbeat! Tot- Your mom was going to hear your heartbeat that day even if that meant the Doc having to stay there for a week with that wand on your moms belly. Depending on when you read this then you already know that if Mommy wants it bad will happen! And it did. You should have seen her face light up!!!!
