Thursday, November 18, 2010

New Blogger!

This blog was originally created by my husband, Dan, as a way to record our busy lives!  As you can see, life apparently, is so busy that blogging about it is almost non-existent, which of course, is not the case!  It just happens that Dan, works full time and is going to school full time and any free time he now has is spent caring for me and Tot (the nickname we have given our unborn child, I call Dan, Tater, so naturally Tot is appropriate)! 

A few posts back, we announced that we are expecting our first baby!!!  I am declaring here, that I am officially taking over this blog!  Seeing as this is our first child together, I have been trying to figure out a way to record every moment of this pregnancy, how I am feeling, what I am craving, how I am growing, the preparations, the excitement, the fears and every little thing associated with becoming parents!  I know that over time, the memories of this time will fade and stories will be forgotten.  One day I want to be able to share every detail with Tot!  What better way to do this then to blog about it!  This blog, I know is not being read by anyone other than Tater and me, but that's okay!  This blog is for us and Tot, and our family if they are interested in our pregnancy and the little and big things happening in our life!!!

1 comment:

  1. You might think you are taking over, but just you wait and see! I still have some blogging to do, and some commenting on your blogs!!!!
