Thursday, December 30, 2010

Pregnancy Update!

Today I am 16 weeks and 2 days!!  This second trimester is so nice and easy!!!  Although, I get tired is NOTHING like before!!  I feel that I have been pretty lucky so far, I have not had any crazy cravings or aversions!  The only things that make me feel a bit queasy are the thought of eating any kind of fish or the smell of liquor!  And since both are not encouraged during pregnancy it hasn't been a problem!!  I definitely have a belly now!!  I will post the most recent picture I have when my sweet, adorable and loving husband locates the cable for the camera (since he was the last to use it and didn't put it back!!)  I am in maternity clothes full time now and adjusting to my growing body!  I was able to find cute clothes at Old Navy and JcPenny!!! 

In exactly 4 weeks from today we will find out if Tot is a boy or a girl!!!  We can not wait!!!  We are slowly clearing out Tot's room now, so that we can start working on the nursery! 

For Christmas we received cute onesies and little socks for Tot, we oooohhhhh'd and awwwww'd over them!!!  It's amazing to think, this time next year, we will have a little baby to wear the clothes we have now!!  Jenny and Eric also gave us a doppler!!  I wanted one soooo bad, and was thrilled when we opened it!!  We haven't heard anything yet, but we will keep trying!!

And....another baby is on the way!!!  Kara and Dale found out a couple weeks ago they are also expecting!!!  They are 9 weeks and 3 days today!!!  Tot and "Benjamin" will be only a couple months apart!!!  We are thrilled to know our children will be so close in age!!!  Congrats Kara and Dale!!!!

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