Wednesday, January 5, 2011

2010 Wrap up

Tomorrow marks the last day of 2010 (when I started writing this - it was the 30th...took longer then I thought) The last day of the last year that we will be a family of two!!  2011 will bring so many new adventures that we are anxious and excited to experience!!  

We knew we wanted to start a family and began "trying" in late spring.  Since we knew that 2011 could possibly bring a little addition to our family, we definitely took full advantage of our freedom to do what we wanted, when we wanted!  2010 was filled with so many great memories!!!

January 2010
We celebrated my 29th birthday (the first on many 29's...hahaha!!!)!  Tater planned and sent an invite to gather all my friends for a night of dinner and drinks at the Reston town center!!!  Although mother nature had a different idea!  Snow moved in and made it hard for people to make there way out to Reston!!  A few brave souls made it and we had a night of fun!!!!

February 2010
SNOW!!!  Snowmageddon!! A week off of work...or should I say "working" from home!!! 

So much snow!
Lot's of:

March 2010
Eric turned 30!!  He decided he wanted to celebrate his birthday with us!!!  They drove up for the weekend and we took them for a day of wine tasting!!!!

 St. Patty's Day!!!  The day my Dad says the amateurs come out to drink!!!  We put on our green and headed with Sam and Shain out for some green beer and fun!!!

April 2010
I got a new tattoo!  It took a total of 6 minutes!!  Tater was going to get another one too, but chickened out at the last minute.  Not really, he decided he already had too many!!!

Sarah turned 31 this year...we spent the day at a Nationals game with her and my mom!!  It was my mom's first ball game and beer!!!

May 2010
The moment he will never forget....Tater (FINALLY) got his Harley!!! 2007 Street Glide!!!  It's so pretty, comfortable and loud!!!

May also took us on a very memorable trip to Memphis for the Beale Street Music Festival!  It was an AWESOME weekend with Sarah, Nate, Trey and Halston - lots of live music, beer, rain, mud & tornado warnings!!  So many performers canceled but we still had so much fun!!!

A last minute decision took us to Laurel Springs, NC with the Charlton's and Foster's.  The plan was for me to ride with the group to NC in July for the annual Fragiel X Poker Run, but when Jimmy proposed we tag a long for the trip in May, we jumped all over it!!  For me, it was a trial run to make sure it was something I could do and wanted to do with the group in July.

Packed up and ready to roll...we took off!!  1 motorcycle spill, a broken leg, and 12 hours later we arrived!  And I decided LONG rides are not for me!!!  Although, once I finally got comfortable on the ride I had an awesome time, the trip was just way too long!!! My decision was made...I will be in a car with Dana and Arlene on all future trips!!!

June 2010
Dalace spent two weeks with us this summer!!!  We spent lot's of time at the pool, a day in DC, Toy Story 3 - 3D, fireworks, mani's & pedi's, silly string, BBQ's, pizza, etc!  We had so much fun!!! 

July 2010
Dalace was with us for the 4th of July!  We saw fireworks 2 nights in a row!  

The 3rd weekend of July we set off for the Annual Fragile X Poker Run!!! Dan on his bike, me in a car!!!  It was an awesome it always is!!

The same weekend as the poker run, Sarah got engaged!!!! 
August 2010
We celebrated Dan's 30th birthday!!!  (my OLD man) haha!!
We had a great time with Family at Captain Pell's in Fairfax!  
I got Dan a Screamin Eagle Big Air Sucker....

 I also set up a long weekend at Lake Anna to celebrate with Friends!!

September 2010

Labor Day weekend we set off to Lake Anna to celebrate Dan's 30th with friends, fishing, BBQ, beer, smore's and lots of laughs!!  Unfortuately, I think the beers were flowing too early each day, since I took only a few pictures!  But trust me, a good time was had by all!!  

September 20th - Papa Kelley rolled into style!! Moving up from Savannah to spend sometime looking for work in the Northern VA area!!!

It didn't take long for Dan, Kara and Dad to start picking on each other...needless to say everyone is thrilled to have him in town!!!!

September also marked the beginning of football season and the start of our first (and last) season as season ticket holders!!!  Our seats were great!!! 

October 2010
The month our lives changed....10/10/10 -  a positive (3 to be exact) pregnancy test!!!  Yay!!!!!

We also celebrated our 3 year wedding anniversary!!!  We saw Cirque du Soleil - Ovo, at the National Harbor!  The most amazing performance we have ever seen!!  We had an amazing dinner at the Old Hickory Steakhouse in the Gaylord Resort - a cheese assortment, soups, steaks, mac & cheese and taters!  TOO much food for two people!!  This night we realized our lives had already changed...since I was pregnant a night of bar hoping didn't sound like much fun, we headed to our room, climbed into bed and feel asleep watching TV well before 10pm!!!  It was a fabulous anniversary!  One I will never forget!!!  

Halloween!!! This year we decided to go all out, I think this picture speaks for itself!!

November 2010
Even though November was just last memory is failing me!  I largely attribute this too pregnancy brain :(  I slept most of this month was pretty much a blur!!  Maybe Tater can fill in some details!!  I do know we had a great Thanksgiving with my mom, Sarah and Nate!! And yummy deserts with Tater's family!  We also rocked out to some rock band with the family after desert!!!

December 2010
Our favorite time of year!!!

We are very impatient when it comes to decorating!  As soon as Thanksgiving rolls by we are ready for the red and green of the Christmas season!!!  This year we decided to cut down our own tree (we heard they last longer)!  We had such a blast that we have turned it in to our family tradition!  Next year we can't wait to bundle up and take Tot!!!

We spent a weekend in Williamsburg with Jenny & Eric!  As always we had a great and relaxing time with them!!! Jenny and I went to the movies while Dan and Eric spent the day drinking beers, smoking cigars and playing Frisbee golf!

We had an awesome Christmas with family!!!  Christmas Eve, was spent with the Guynn's, Beckett's and Cowley's!  This year it was extra special to have Papa Kelley in town with us!  Christmas day we hosted my family and had a great dinner!!!

New years came and went (this year crystal clear)!!!  We shared a dinner for two at PF Changs, followed by a little party at the Belchers!!!  I made it past midnight, saw the ball drop, kissed Tater then headed home!!!

Here's to 2011 and the adventure we are about to embark on!  We have been so blessed with the amazing family we have and the supportive friends.  We are exactly where we have always dreamed of being, one thing is missing...and soon we will be a complete family!!!! 

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