Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Pinks and purples, princesses and butteflies!!!

It's a GIRL!!! 

We decided we could not wait until 20 weeks (1.26.11) to find out whether Tot was a boy or a girl.  So, I scheduled an appointment for a 3D sonogram to determine gender!!! Our appointment was on January 6, 2011 at 7:15pm.  That day seemed drag by very very slow!!! We were both so anxious!!!

We got into the room and up on the table I went.  Tot had grown so much since the last time we saw her (so great to say that now!).  At first look she was breached and the umbilical cord was between her legs.  When we saw that, I thought to myself - it's a boy!!  A very large boy!  But the tech quickly let us know that we were not looking at boy parts!!  Tot was waving and kicking like crazy (I can't wait to feel those kicks)!!!  The tech pushed several times on my stomach to try and get Tot to move to get a clear view, moments later, Tot moved and it was clear, all at once we all said "ITS A GIRL"  The tech confirmed it!!!

We are having a Girl!!!!  My eyes filled with tears and Tater had the biggest smile on his face I have ever seen!!!  Our hearts were completely filled with joy and excitement!!!  A beautiful, precious, sweet baby girl!!!  

Our original plan was to surprise family with the news in some cute way...yeah right!!!  As soon as we left the office we were on the phone calling everyone we know to share the awesome news!!! 

We can't wait to meet our daughter - Addison Reilly Kelley!!! We love you already Addison and can not wait to hold you!!!!

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