Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Week 18

Today marks 18 weeks!!!  Addison is about the size of a bell pepper and weighs about 7 oz. - that is the weight of 3 large eggs!!  My belly has definitely began to grow, and I am pretty sure people can now tell I am pregnant and not just fat!!! I have started taking daily pictures of my belly...

Pregnancy Highlights: Finding out we are having a daughter ~ Addison Reilly   
How Far Along: 18 weeks
Size of baby: bell pepper
Total Weight Gained/Lost: I think 12-15 lbs. gained - I haven't weighted myself in about a week...I am going to get a solid number from the doctor today!
Maternity Clothes: I love maternity pants!!!
Gender: GIRL!!
Movement: I feel a flutter from time to time, and according to the books I've read that could be Addison moving around, but I am not 100% sure?!?
Sleep: I have good nights and bad nights

What I miss: Red wine
Cravings: Clementines

Aversions: The thought of fish and the smell of liquor
Symptoms: Frequent headaches, stuffy/dry nose (at the same time - very uncomfortable), emotional and cranky (sorry, Tater!)
Best Moment this week:  Buying girl stuff!! Cute purple and pink onesies!  Tater bought Addison the cutest little booties!! She already has him wrapped around her little finger!!

Today, we have another appointment with the doctor!  I love these appointments because we get the hear Addison's heart beat!!!

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