Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Week 19

19 weeks today!!!  Almost half way there!!!  Addison is growing like crazy and currently weighs about 8.5 oz and measures about 6 inches long!!!  I think that I have popped!  And it's true, it happens overnight!! 

The top picture is from Sunday, January 16th - 18 weeks 5 days
Bottom left is Monday, January 17th - 18 weeks 6 days
Bottom right is Tuesday, January 18th - 19 weeks 0 days

Not sure if they pictures truly show the "pop" but trust me my belly is round and sticking out!!!

Pregnancy Highlights: I am feeling great this week!!!  Lot's of energy!!!
How Far Along: 19 weeks
Size of baby: An heirloom tomato
Total Weight Gained/Lost: 14 lbs. gained
Maternity Clothes: All the time!!!
Gender: GIRL
Movement: Nothing yet!! But we are trying!! We talk to Addison all the time trying to get her to move around.  Hopefully soon!
Sleep: Sleeping great!
What I miss: Hanging with friends!!  Nights out just aren't quite the same.
Cravings: Salads
Aversions: none
Symptoms: Dry sinus and a runny nose!
Best Moment this week: Buying the crib and dresser!!  We LOVE walking up the stairs and seeing the crib in Addison's room!  We also picking out the paint colors!!

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