Tuesday, January 25, 2011

ooooohhhhhhhh I'm half way there ~

20 weeks today!!!  140 days until my due date!!! The first part of this pregnancy crept by, it has definitely picked up pace and it is crazy to think that I am at the half way point!!  I feel like there is so much to do...paint her room, buy everything for the room, register, hospital tour, classes, preparing our wills, birthing plan, etc...I've got to stop, I get anxious just thinking about it!!!   

At 20 weeks, there is no doubt that you can tell I am pregnant and not just carrying a few extra pounds!!!
Pregnancy Highlights: Feeling Great!! Lot's of energy, sleeping through the night, no aches and pains, no cravings, not starving!!! 
How Far Along: 20 weeks
Size of baby: The length of a banana (6.5 inches) and the weight of a cantaloupe (10.5 oz)
Total Weight Gained/Lost: 14 lbs.
Maternity Clothes: Always!
Gender: Our baby GIRL ~ Addison Reilly
Movement:  Still waiting!  I feel flutters a lot, but I am waiting for the definite feeling of a kick!! Tater talks to Addison all the time trying to get her to kick me!
Sleep: Sleeping great

What I miss: This week I miss Red wine!
Cravings: No cravings!
Aversions: No Aversions!
Symptoms: Still having weird nose problems! But so it Tater, so I think it's not just me, unless he is having sympathy symptoms?!?!
Best Moment this week: Will happen tomorrow!!  We have an ultra sound appointment, which was the original day we were going to find out gender!! But since we know, we are still going just to get a peek of our baby girl!!!

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