Thursday, February 3, 2011

Week 21

Today marks 21 weeks...only 19 more to go!!! 

Pregnancy Highlights: I am loving pregnancy this week!  I feel great!
How Far Along: 21 weeks
Size of baby: The length of a carrot (10.5 inches), weight: 12 oz
Total Weight Gained/Lost: ugh!  Feels like a million - but still at 14 lbs.
Maternity Clothes: Yes!
Gender: GIRL!
Movement: Nada!  The ultrasound tech told us last week that definitely by week 23.
Sleep: Sleeping pretty good!  Only waking up once during the night, and falling back to sleep with no problem!

What I miss: Nothing this week!!  Loving pregnancy!!
Cravings: Sweets!

Aversions: No Aversions!
Symptoms: None that come to mind.  Nothing new!

Best Moment this week: Nursery is getting painted!

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