Thursday, February 3, 2011

20 Week Ultrasound

We had an ultrasound on January 26th!  This would have been our gender determination appointment, but since we already know It's a Girl, we were just happy to get the chance to see Tot!!!  The tech did confirm that she is in fact a Girl, although, we didn't have any doubt!! 

Addison was moving around a lot for us!!  She weighed in at 12oz., right on track!!!  Her heart beat was 139!!  Hearing her heart beat never gets old!!  The tech walked us through and showed us all the major organs and parts of her body!  It was amazing to see how much she has grown since the last time we saw her!! 

Since everything looked great and we are right on track, this ultrasound will be the last medical ultrasound we have.  A little bummed about that, but as the doctor said, it's a good thing to not have to go back!   We do however, plan on doing a 2nd trimester and 3rd trimester, 3D/4D ultrasound to see our sweet baby!!!

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