Thursday, February 3, 2011

~ Turning 30 ~

My birthday has come and gone, and I am officially no longer in my 20's.  Yes, I am now 30! I remember when I was younger, 30 seemed so much older.  People that were 30 seemed to have it all and  I can honestly say, I feel like I have it all!!  Married to an amazing man, we both have good jobs, we have created a home we are proud of, 2 dogs and 1 cat and a baby on the way!  I guess I have never stopped to think what this "grown up" life would feel like, or what 30 would feel like.  But, I do not feel old and I was not scared of the big 3-oh!  I welcome my 30's and can honestly say that I feel that I am exactly where I am supposed to be at this point in my life. I am ready to face the next chapter head on!!

My 20's were AWESOME!!  Graduated from college, made great friends, lost a few, had a few different jobs,  partied way too much, traveled to a lot of new places, found the love of my life and fell in love, moved out on my own, got married, owned my first pet, found a love for wine, bought a house, a motorcycle and made a baby!!!  I do not regret one thing that happened in my 20's (well, maybe I would have traveled more!)!

So, to my 30's, I say "Bring it"!! But be warned 30's - you've got big shoes to fill!!!

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