Monday, February 7, 2011

A GREAT weekend!

Our weekend was unscheduled, which left us to do whatever we wanted to do!!!  We don't often have weekends like this and are usually committed to to have a weekend completely unplanned, was sooooo wonderful!!!

Friday, our new camera arrived!!!  Our awesome new camera, that we have wanted for a while now, but had to save up a little cash for it!!!  We purchased the Canon Rebel EOS T2i!  It takes amazing photos and we are busy learning exactly what it can do, and how to use it so we can take a million pictures leading up to Addison's arrival and of course a million every day once she is here!!

We also registered this weekend at Babies R Us!!  This was so much fun for us and a little overwhelming for me!! I wanted to make sure we were getting the very best for Tot, so I spent so much time reading reviews on different products!!  We have lots on our registry and I am sure that we will make a ton of changes moving forward, but it's started and we were so happy to be picking out all the things Tot is going to need (or we will need to keep her happy!)!!!

Superbowl Sunday!  The Green Bay Packers vs. Pittsburgh Steelers!!  Packers won 31 to 25!  The National Anthem was botched by Christian Aguilar, the commericals were just okay and the half time show wasn't very least the actually football was good, the food was yummy and the company was great!!!

A GREAT weekend!!!!

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