Wednesday, February 16, 2011

I love...

this man:

My sweet Valentine!!!  He claims to not be into Valentines Day, but every year he comes home with something for me!!!  This and my favorite candy!!!

We went out to a fancy dinner the night before to celebrate!  We went to the Lightfoot in Leesburg!  The restaurant is in a beautiful historic building, our table was on the 2nd floor, which gave us a great view of the beautiful restaurant!!  The food was ok!  For the price, not sure we'd go back...well maybe for the salads and desert, which were delicious!!

We do not exchange gifts on Valentine's Day.  But this year, we both received the best gift.  Right before we fell asleep, I was feeling Addison moving around, I told Tater to put his hand on my belly to see if he could feel her.  A few moments went by and I kept feeling her, but he felt nothing :( Then all of a sudden, he felt her!!  She gave him the biggest high five!!!  It was such a special moment for all of us!!! 

I love you Tater!!!

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