Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Week 23

Only 17 more weeks to go!  4 months left until we meet our sweet little Addison!!  This is so exciting and terrifiying at the same time...I feel like we have so much to do to prepare for her arrival, but then again, can you ever really perpare??  I think once we have a mattress and stroller I'll feel like we can bring her home!!!

Pictures this week:

Pregnancy Highlights: Feeling Addison move!!!
How Far Along: 23 weeks
Size of baby: Over 11 inches long and weighs over a lb.
Total Weight Gained/Lost: According to my doctor last week, I was up 25lbs!  WOW!!!  She said it’s not TOO bad, but I need to watch it!  I can’t contine to gain like I did over the last month. 
Maternity Clothes: Always!
Gender: GIRL ~ Addison Reilly
Movement: Yes!!!  Espeically at night and have started feeling her in mid-morning too!!!
Sleep: Awesome!!  And not even waking up!!  I have been working out every day and I think this has helped me fall asleep fast and stay asleep!
What I miss: The weather is starting to warm up (not really, just unseasonably warm) and it has me thinking about Springtime cocktails on the deck in the evening.  I am already missing them….
Cravings:  Orange soda – weird!!
Aversions: none
Symptoms: None this week…I feel GREAT!
Best Moment this week:  Tater feeling Addison move for the very first time – on Valentine’s Day too!!!

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