Tuesday, March 8, 2011

26 weeks!

This past week I have been flooded with hormones....so emotional.  I have been short tempered, cranky, sad, happy, etc.  All emotions, and they come and go pretty quickly.  I am not enjoying the parade of emotions AT ALL, and I bet Tater isn't either.  But, we both recognize them for what they are and wait it out...

Pregnancy Highlights:  Decorating the nursery!  The decal arrived and has been hung!!  
How Far Along: 26 weeks
Size of baby: 14 inches and about 1.68 lbs!
Total Weight Gained/Lost: 24 lbs!  Confirmed with the doctor this past Friday!  After gaining too much in one month last time, this month I was 1 lb. less than last month!  Doc says my body is just regulating!!! 
Maternity Clothes: Always!
Gender: GIRL ~ Addison Reilly
Movement: All day!!
Sleep:  Pretty good!! 
What I miss:   Energy!  I have been feeling sluggish again and my energy is much lower than it has been.
Cravings:  milk!
Aversions: none
Symptoms: Emotional (i.e. Crying) – this is so not me either!  Thank you Tater for being so great and letting me cry it out!! 
Best Moment this week:  Hearing Addison’s heart beat – 140bpm!  Also, hanging the decal in her room and picking out the rocker/glider we are going to purchase!!   

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