Friday, March 18, 2011

A little scare...and no more waiting!

Addison gave us a little scare on Wednesday, March 16th.  The day was going along as usual, and around 12pm, I realized I had not felt her move all day.  I sat and thought about the little movement I felt the night before, and any I had felt that morning.  I remember the doctor telling me, that if I notice decreased movement to let them know.  I emailed Tater, and told him that I hadn't felt her...and told him, I was eating my lunch and would wait to see if that got her squirming...I ate and nothing :(  I called the doctor to let them know, they asked if I had eaten anything, I told them yes and that did nothing.  Dr. Ivey-Crowe wanted me to go right in for a sonogram, just to check things out. 

OMG, the panic I felt.  I immediately left the office to head to have a sonogram done.  I talked to her the entire ride to the office, and nothing.  No movement, bumps, taps, flutters, nothing.  As soon as the tech put the wand thing (very technical, I know!) on my belly, there she was, moving away!!!  RELIEF!!!  I could see her moving and kicking but couldn't feel her at all. The tech took a bunch of measurements to ensure she was growing on track and doing okay!  And she is doing GREAT!! She measured a little bit ahead of schedule, coming in at 28 weeks and weighing 2lbs. 8oz!   She has moved to the down position and doing just fine!!  We got to see her little mouth open and close a bunch of times, she looks to be folded and her feet are right up near her head!  I felt her move once during the exam, and nothing else for the rest of the night.  But believe me, the next day, she was ACTIVE!! Moving all day and night!  I guess she was tired from moving into the down position...and she was just taking a break!!! 
After the appointment, my doctor’s office called me to let me know that everything was fine and the tech saw no issues! They also informed me that I passed my diabetes test!!!  All tests came in at or below normal!  Again, such a relief.  For some reason, I was sure I would test positive, maybe because this pregnancy has gone so smoothly, I just felt like something had to knock it off track.  But we are in the clear!!!
I'm healthy and Addison is healthy, we are doing great and going to make it through this with no problems (fingers crossed!)

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