Friday, March 18, 2011

27 Weeks!

We are moving right along...1 week until my 3rd trimester begins and 13 weeks until my due date!!!

Pregnancy Highlights:  Receiving our first gift in the mail for Addison!!
How Far Along: 27 weeks
Size of baby: 14.5 inches long and 2lbs. 8oz!
Total Weight Gained/Lost: I think I am still at 24lbs, but it maybe a few more.  Weight is a really big sore spot for me…I have how much I’ve put on, and that I look like a whale. I am okay, with the belly, but I have grown everywhere, legs, arms, butt, etc.  Not cool! 
Maternity Clothes: Always!
Gender: We can’t wait to meet our daughter ~ Addison Reilly
Movement: Throughout the day (with the exception of 1 day)
Sleep:  Good for the most part.  I am sleep through the night but I don’t think it is great sleep because most morning I wake up not feeling rested. 
What I miss:   Movement.  I can’t bend in half and it’s annoying.  Getting off the couch, out of a chair, out of the car…all becoming, not easy.
Cravings:  I have been eating a lot of peanut butter!!
Aversions: none
Symptoms: My legs and feet are achy again… 
Best Moment this week:  Unexpectedly seeing Addison and finding out she was okay!!!  And a negative diabetes test!!

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