Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Hello 3rd Trimester - 28 weeks

We have made it to the 3rd trimester!  12 weeks to go until my due date.  I can already tell that this last leg is going to be the worst.  I already feel huge, uncomfortable, achy, moody, etc.  I am doing my best to keep a positive attitude but some days that's tough.  Just knowing we get to meet Addison at the end of it makes it all worth it!!!

Pregnancy Highlights:  Addison has been moving a lot lately!! When Dan talks to her, she jumps around so much!!!
How Far Along: 28 weeks – 3rd trimester
Size of baby: 14.8 inches long.  Last week she weighed 2lbs. 8 0z.  so this week, not sure??  She was measuring a head of schedule….
Total Weight Gained/Lost: I am not too sure…feels like a million.  I have a doctor’s appointment in the morning!
Maternity Clothes: Always!
Gender: We can’t wait to meet our daughter ~ Addison Reilly
Movement: Yes!
Sleep:  Falling asleep easily, but staying asleep is an issue.  I am up multiple times each night to use the bathroom.  The other night, I woke up wide awake a 2am and was up until 6am.  I hope this doesn’t become the norm. 
What I miss:   Feeling like myself.  I am having a very hard time adjusting to my new larger body.
Cravings:  none
Aversions: none
Symptoms:  My back hurts when I sit for too long, my legs and feet ache when I am on my feet for too long, and last night I noticed my ankles were a little swollen

Best Moment this week:  I went to a local consignment sale this past weekend a picked up a bouncer and a vibrating seat!!  The seat is for Grammies house!!  I also spent some time with my sister, and she got Addison the cutest little outfit!!

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