Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Week 29

I am a week late on this post, but last Tuesday marked week 29! 

Pregnancy Highlights:  3D sonogram!
How Far Along: 29 weeks
Size of baby: We had a doctor’s appointment last Friday and the doctor thinks she is about 3lbs!
Total Weight Gained/Lost: As of last week it was 24lbs.
Maternity Clothes: Always!
Gender: We can’t wait to meet our daughter ~ Addison Reilly
Movement: Very regularly!
Sleep:  So, so…I wake up a lot to use the bathroom, but luckily I have had no issues with falling back to sleep!  I am starting to wake up tired again though vs. feeling rested. 
What I miss:   Movement. Exercise without exhaustion.
Cravings:  Milk and Peanut butter
Aversions: We ate tilapia this week…OMG!  AWFUL, disgusting! As Tater put it, tasted like lake water.  Never again…just the thought of it makes me queasy.
Symptoms:  Achy lower back. Achy pelvis. Achy Legs. Sore feet. Swollen hands, feet and ankles.
Best Moment this week:  Seeing our sweet chubby cheeked baby girl during out 30 minute 3D sonogram!!!  She is BEAUTIFUL!!

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