Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Week 30

Ahhhhhhh....30 weeks!!!  that means only 10 more weeks until my due date!  10 more weekends, or 7 more until Addison is considered full term.  Time seems to be FLYING by, and I can't tell if I am more anxious or excited!  I am definitely beginning to feel the effects of the extra weight!  My daily walks are becoming more difficult and cause my feet and legs to ache afterwards.  My belly has taken on a very round shape!  From here on out, Addison will put on an additional 3-5 lbs before she is over the next 10 weeks she will double in size. It is really, really hard to believe that I will get bigger then I am ready am!  But we are in the home stretch!!!

Pregnancy Highlights:  Finishing up the nursery as much as we can!! And I think I am going to schedule a massage for this weekend!!
How Far Along: 30 weeks
Size of baby: Addison should be about 15.7 inches long and about 3lbs.
Total Weight Gained/Lost: I am going with 25+…
Maternity Clothes: Always!
Gender: We can’t wait to meet our daughter ~ Addison Reilly
Movement: Yes!  I have started doing kick counts! 
Sleep:  Starting to require more and more.  But falling asleep easily and falling back to sleep easily too! 
What I miss:   Movement.  B
Cravings:  Milk and Peanut butter – OMG!  I can’t get enough!  My favorite right now is a whole wheat bagel thin with PB&J and a Big glass of very very cold milk!!  I kind of panic when we don’t have milk in the house!
Aversions: none
Symptoms:  Achy lower back. Achy pelvis. Achy Legs. Sore feet. Swollen hands, feet and ankles. (same as last week – the achy lower back sucks, but Tater has been giving me back and foot rubs!! Makes it feel so much better!)
Best Moment this week:  Getting the nursery almost done! 

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