Wednesday, March 16, 2011


On Friday, March 4th, I took my first one hour gestational diabetes test!  At about 7:30am that morning I drank a very high glucose solution, reminded me of a pixi was gross at 7:30am!  When I arrived at the doctor's about an hour later, they drew my blood to determine my my blood glucose levels.  I received a call a few days later that my levels where at 138, and the exceptable levels are 130. 

So, I had to schedule a 3 hour!!!  The 3 hour test sounds AWFUL!!  You have to fast for 8 hours prior to your appointment.  You arrive at the doctors office to have your blood drawn, drink the high glucose solution (double the amount from last time), then have your blood drawn every hour for 3 hours.  The time past pretty quickly, well, faster then I thought it would. 

From the 3 hour test, I need 2 of the 3 test to come back at acceptable levels.  If they don't then I will be given a diagnosis of Gestational Diabetes.  This scares me.  I know that it is completely manageable, but if I am diagnosed, I will have to attend a class at the hospital to learn more about how to manage my levels through diet.  I will also have to prick myself 4 times per day to check my levels and I will also have to have regular sonograms to check the growth of Addison, to ensure she isn't growing too quickly. 

The primary concern with gestational diabetes is the baby growing too fast and becoming too large.  Through a controlled diet, often times this can be avoided.

So...I am waiting to hear my results.  Fingers crossed that I passed....

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