Friday, June 10, 2011

39 weeks

One week til our due date! What a week it has been...I have said several times "wonder who I pissed off"  Last Wednesday, I woke up with a very sore throat, felt just like I did when I had strep throat a  few weeks back.  I immediately went to Urgent Care for a strep test.  The test came back negative...but the doctor informed me that an upper respiratory virus going around that starts with strep like symptoms.  I was told to take some Benydryl, sleep with a humidifier, tea, rest and lots of fluids.  Luckily, whatever I had didn't turn into an upper respiratory virus, but a terrible, terrible head cold.  Which I am still fighting's getting better!  Last weekend was the worst!  But every day I am feeling better and better!!

On top of the head cold, I got poison ivy on my right hand and wrist.  I freaked out on Saturday and went to Urgent Care.  I was so worried that Addison would decided to come and I wouldn't be able to hold my baby  The doctor said I would be able to hold her, no problem, unfortunately, the only thing that you can take for poison ivy is steroids, which is a class c drug.  The doctor advises against taking class c drugs...I was told to use anti itch cream, which I have been doing ... but OMG, poison ivy SUCKS!!  I can't remember ever I time in my life that I have ever had poision Ivy.  It's awful!

My hands and feet have also been very sore.  They feel says this is all normal.

I was hoping to have made some progress this week at our appointment...but NO, still 1 cm.  Dr. Ivey-Crowe said she would swipe my membranes this week, but since I was only 1 cm. dilated, she wasn't able too :(  So, we discussed induction.  I was told by Dr. Thurston that I would be induced on June 20th, if Addison didn't arrive before hand.  At this weeks appointment, I was told that Dr. Thurston did not submit the induction paper work. So, we now have an appointment to arrive at the hospital on 7:30pm on Friday, June 17th.  At that point, I will be given cervidil, and Saturday morning they will break my water and administer pitocin!  And we will meet out baby girl hopefully sometime on Saturday :)  WE CAN'T WAIT!!!

We have one more appointment set on our due date, at that time we'll do another internal check to see where I am, and also a stress test to make sure Ms. Addison is holding up!!!

Oh, and we have started "Operation Induction" I have started doing all the home remedies to naturally induce...Red Raspberry Tea, Primrose Oil pills, pineapple and lots of activity!

So, this is our last weekend of a family of 2!  Lots of us time...but we can't wait for next weekend and to meet our little girl!

Pregnancy Highlights:  knowing there is an end in sight and we are going to meet out daughter sooooo soon!
How Far Along: 39 weeks
Size of baby: According to ~ about 7 lbs and over 20 inches. 
Total Weight Gained/Lost: Feels like a million.
Gender: We can’t wait to meet our daughter ~ Addison Reilly
Movement: Yes, she is still very active!  I am going to miss feeling her move!
Sleep:  Up every couple of hours to pee!  But since I am working from home now, I get to wake up on my own vs. with an alarm clock!  That feels great!
What I miss:   Feeling normal…
Cravings:  still Ice cold water! 
Aversions: none
Symptoms:  Swelling, really swelling.  I think it’s a combo of the millions of gallons of water I drink every day and the 100+ degree weather we have been having.
Best Moment this week:  Setting our induction date!

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