Tuesday, May 31, 2011

38 weeks

2 weeks to go!!  And I am so ready!!   I believe last week, I mentioned, that I wasn't feeling too bad, boy have things changed....I can pin point the exact day that things changed, Monday May 23rd, one day before week 37.  I am tired, uncomfortable, achy and just overall done! 
I have started swelling, hands and feet!  I have no appetite, and I forget to eat, which leads to very low energy and I begin to shake.  not cool!

Pregnancy Highlights:  ummm…this is tough!  I guess, I would say Addison getting another gift!! More cute clothes, socks, blackest, etc!
How Far Along: 38 weeks
Size of baby: According to babycenter.com ~ about 6.8 lbs and over 19.5 inches. 
Total Weight Gained/Lost: Feels like a million.
Gender: We can’t wait to meet our daughter ~ Addison Reilly
Movement: Addison is still very active!!  I love feeling her move, which is one thing that I will miss once this is all over.
Sleep:  pretty good!!  Still waking up several times each night, but I am use to it by now!
What I miss:   feeling normal.
Cravings:  still Ice cold water! 
Aversions: none
Symptoms:  Swelling…my hands and feet are starting to balloon.
Best Moment this week:  My mom and sister feeling Addison move!
We have our weekly doctors appointment this afternoon...hoping that I have made a little progress :-)

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