Thursday, May 26, 2011

Full Term - 37 weeks!

We are officially full term!!  Addison is welcome to come at anytime!!!  We had a doctors appointment yesterday, and I have made NO Progress.  My cervix is still closed, zero dilation :(  I was hoping for a little progress.  But I guess, I do still have 3 weeks  until my due date.  I am now beginning to understand we people said the last few weeks are the worst.  I swear, I wake up every day and my belly is bigger.  She has not dropped, she is actually riding higher in my belly then in the past.  Our doctor even commented on it yesterday.  Because of this, it makes it hard to breath and move.  But, I am getting by...slowly! 

Pregnancy Highlights:  Fully Term!!!
How Far Along: 37 weeks (3 weeks left)
Size of baby: According to ~ over 6lbs and longer than 19 inches!
Total Weight Gained/Lost: Enough!  In the past week, I didn't gain any additional weight.
Maternity Clothes: Always! But even some of those are becoming a little tight.
Gender: We can’t wait to meet our daughter ~ Addison Reilly
Movement: yes, she is still very active.  I can actually get her to move now!  I think her little but is right by my right rib, and when I push lightly she'll respond back!
Sleep:  Pretty good!!  I tire easily and quickly, naps are enjoyed often!!! 
What I miss:   Everything!  Especially movement and being comfortable.
Cravings:  Still Ice cold water!
Aversions: none
Symptoms:  Achy, small appetite, tired, cranky (same as last week)
Best Moment this week:  Making it full term!!!  And knowing that she can now come at anytime!!!

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