Friday, May 20, 2011

A few things as we near the end....

~ We had our 36 weeks appointment 3 days ago, the doctor did an internal exam to see if I have made any progress....NOPE!!!  Nothing!  She said she could feel her head, but my cervix is high and closed, but is beginning to soften.  I will be anxious to see if I have made any progress next week!!

~  I have been approved for Telework!!  Starting next week, I will work from home on Tuesdays and Thursdays for the next couple of weeks. I think the week before my due date, I will work from home almost every day.

~  I was thinking about it this morning, and I am not miserable.  Yes, I am tired, and Yes, my belly is HUGE...but I think I could definitely be bigger.  I have little to no swelling, I don't have any heartburn, my insomnia has pretty much gone away, I can get through the night with very few bathroom breaks.  I heard the last month of pregnancy is the far, it's not terrible!  I thought at this point in my pregnancy I would be pretty much laid out and miserable...just not the case!!  I am very, very thankful for this!  (check back with me in a week, though)

~  Although, I am sleeping good at this point, getting comfortable is another story.  I have to constantly flip from side to side to remain comfortable.  I have to arrange my 4-5 pillows just right to cradle me...and when I do make the flip...I have to mentally prepare myself for it, it takes a lot of energy!!

~  I am HOT!  My temperature is definitely up there!! This time of year is usually one of my favorites...the changing of the seasons!  I am usually outside enjoying the sun, and warm weather.  But not this year...screw that!! It's way too hot!  I heard this morning on the radio that this weekend could get up to the mid 80's, ugh!  Sounds awful to me!!  I sweat so much already I can't imagine how it will be with temps like that!!  I know that I will do my best to NEVER be prego during the summer!!

~  Naps!  Are my favorite thing right now.  I get home from work and I do my best to stay awake until its time to go to bed, but I just can't.  Even a 20 minute nap makes me feel so much better and gets me through dinner, a shower and a couple of TV shows!

~  I am anti-social...throughout this entire pregnancy, I have become very anti-social.  I would much rather be home then out.  It has gotten worse as I get closer to my due date.  I know that I should take advantage of this time before Addison arrives, but I am much more content with being home with Tater and the dogs.

~  Tater - I don't even know where to begin with this!  I knew I married a supportive man who loved me for me, good and bad! But he honestly deserves an award.  Through out this pregnancy, I have fallen in love with this man over and over again.  And my love for him has grown deeper then I could have ever imagined.  He has been so understanding throughout every stage of this adventure.  He is so excited to meet our daughter and start our family!  He says the sweetest things to me and to Addison!!! I am so honored to be his wife and soon the mother of his daughter!! I know that kids change a marriage, but we are ready for it, and we are ready to work to keep this spark we have alive!!!     

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