Tuesday, May 17, 2011

36 weeks!

Today marks 36 weeks in to this pregnancy with 4 weeks remaining (or 28 days!).  I am big!!  Everyone told me, you think your big now...just wait!  It really is amazing to wake up every morning and feel like I have grown some more.  Addison has begun pushing on my ribs, which can be very uncomfortable!  It usually doesn't last too long...

Pregnancy Highlights:  Nothing to report this week….
How Far Along: 36 weeks (4 weeks left)
Size of baby: According to babycenter.com ~ about 6 lbs and over 18.5 inches.  Although, we had a doctor’s appointment this past Tuesday, and the doctor estimates she is somewhere between 4.5-5lbs.
Total Weight Gained/Lost: The doctor said at our last appointment that she is happy with my weight gain!!!  Addison is measuring right on track and so am I!! 
Maternity Clothes: Always! But even some of those are becoming a little tight.
Gender: We can’t wait to meet our daughter ~ Addison Reilly
Movement: Yes!  She is very active!
Sleep:  So-so!  I wake up a lot during the night to use the bathroom, but fall back asleep pretty quick.
What I miss:   Feeling “normal”
Cravings:  Ice cold water and very cold milk!
Aversions: none
Symptoms:  Tired, no matter how much sleep I get and achy, especially in the mornings and throughout the day when I get up from my chair at work.
Best Moment this week:  This week and for the past several weeks, spending time with Tater!  We both know that our life is about to drastically change so we are taking advantage of the time we have left as a family of 2!  Cooking together, taking walks, laying around, and lounging in bed in the mornings, running errands, quick trips to get desserts!!!  Everything!!  It is so nice to just be us, and spend time together!!

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