Monday, May 16, 2011

35 weeks!!

35/35 - 35 weeks in and 35 days to go!!  It's amzaing how time has come to a stand still!! Hahaha!!!  Every day slowly passes by.  I am still doing pretty good, making my way into the office every day and sitting at my desk for 8 hours, is starting to become difficult.  But, I have been cleared to work from home 1-2 days per week!  This helps so  much, it allows me to sleep past 5am, and to work in pj's on the couch all day!!! Definitely refreshes me!!!

We asked Sarah and Nate to be Addison's god parents, they accepted!!  We didnt' have any doubt that they would, but it's comforting to know that if anything were to happen to both of us, Addison would be with family, and with people who will love her as much as we do!!

We found a Pedtirican! 

I had my first Braxton Hicks contractions last night (Sunday, May 15th - 35 weeks and 5 days).  Yesterday was not a great day for me, I woke up tired and just couldn't find any energy.  I spent most of the day relaxing!!  After an afternoon on the couch, I got up to make dinner (grilled cheese & tomato soup - Gourment, I know!!!) I was cooking away and my belly started to get really hard.  I thought maybe Addison had just moved around, since this sometimes happens, but the hardening continued and extended to every inch of my belly.  I had no range of motion, and then my back started to ache.  Tater, googled it, and sure enough all signs pointed to Braxton Hicks.  There was no pain, just discomfort.  We ate dinner, and went on a walk...Tater read that walking sometimes helps.  And it did!!  We walked very slowly around the neighborhood, when we got home, I sat down to drink some water and all of a sudden, the achy back went away, and my belly was no longer rock hard!!!  At least, I know how what is happening, when that happens again!

Pregnancy Highlights:  Hitting 35 weeks with 35 days to go until our due date!
How Far Along: 35 weeks (5 weeks left)
Size of baby: According to ~ about 5.25 lbs and over 18 inches.  Although, we had a doctor’s appointment this past Tuesday, and the doctor estimates she is somewhere between 4.5-5lbs.
Total Weight Gained/Lost: The doctor said at our last appointment that she is happy with my weight gain!!!  Addison is measuring right on track and so am I!! 
Maternity Clothes: Always! But even some of those are becoming a little tight.
Gender: We can’t wait to meet our daughter ~ Addison Reilly
Movement: yes!!  Everything I have read, says at this point she should be slowing down, due to decreased space.  However, I feel that she moves more than ever.  She is somewhat active in the morning, and very active late afternoon to early evening.
Sleep:  So-so!  I wake up a lot during the night to use the bathroom, but fall back asleep pretty quick.
What I miss:   Bending over, having energy, a wide variety of clothes to wear.
Cravings:  Ice cold water! 
Aversions: none
Symptoms:  Achy, small appetite, tired, cranky (same as last week)
Best Moment this week:  At our doctors appointment this week, I mentioned to the doctor that I was having pain in my pelvis, she said this is normal and that Addison is in position and bearing down on my pelvis bone.  She did an external exam and was feeling around my belly, she asked for my hands…she placed my hands right near my underwear line and told me to push down and move back and forth…I did, and she asked if I felt something round.  I sure did…it is Addison’s head.  Very crazy to feel her little peanut head!!!  All week I have been very aware she is there, and I hope that moving doesn’t hurt her!

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