Monday, May 9, 2011

Mother's Day!

Yesterday was Mother's Day, and although Addison is not here just yet, it did not stop one person from recognizing me as a mom!! 

As always, my wonderful hubby went above and beyond to recognize me as a mom!!  I woke up to a fresh cup of coffee delivered to me in bed!!!  Followed by donuts and milk in bed!!!  I received cards from both him and Addison (both made me tear up!).  I also received notes from Charlie, Lucy and Finn, thanking me for being a great mom to them!!  I then had a gift to unwrap...

Tater, got me the above necklace, stamped with an "A" and with a June birthstone!!!  I love was so thoughtful of him!!!

We met my mom, sister and Nate for brunch and had the best time!!! Both my mom and sister got me cards and of course, reading both made me tear up!! I swear, pregnancy hormones are no joke!!! hahaha!!!

The rest of the day was spent doing whatever I wanted, we shopped at Babies R Us, and finished getting what we needed from our registry, taking a nap, putting together Addison's swing and dinner at Los Tolecos!!!

I couldn't have planned a better 1st Mother's Day myself!!!

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