Wednesday, May 4, 2011

34 weeks!!!

34 weeks ~ 6 weeks until my due date  ~ that is only 42 days!!   

I am getting so anxious to meet our daughter!!  I think about her all the time and can't wait to see her little nose, eyes, ears, fingers, toes, all of it!! I want to hold her and hear her cry!! I can't wait to be her mom!!! Only 6 short week (well, I hope short)!!!  

I feel like we have what we need to bring her home.  But, still on our To-Do list:
Find Pediatrician
Have car seat bases checked at the fire station
Fill out Hospital pre-registration paper work
Create a Will
Get Life Insurance

I am sure there is something I am missing...

Yesterday we signed Addison up for Day Care!  She will start 2 days a week, once I go back to work.  The others days, Dan is going to keep her home with him, while he teleworks.  We are going to see how that goes, and if it is possible for him to do it!!  We will start her full time when she is a little older! 

We also put together our Hospital bag over the weekend!! This was a HUGE must on Dan's list, he has been bugging me to do this probably since about week 30!!  So the bags are pack, for the most part.  Just a few things to be added last, iPad, etc.

I was sick this past week :(  I went to the doctor and tested positive for strep throat!  I haven't had strep in so many years...they put me on an antibiotic and I felt better with in a day!!!

Pregnancy Highlights:  Crossing things off the To-Do list, like packing the hospital bag!!  We are ready at any moment to get this show on the road!!!
How Far Along: 34 weeks (6 weeks left)
Size of baby: According to ~ about 4.75 lbs and 18 inches long! 
Total Weight Gained/Lost: I know – but do not care to disclose! 
Maternity Clothes: Always! Although, I have found a few non maternity skirts and tops that I can still wear!!! 
Gender: We can’t wait to meet our daughter ~ Addison Reilly
Movement: yes!!  She also reacts to us when we push on my belly!!
Sleep:  It’s okay!  Still waking up at least twice each night, but am falling back to sleep very easily!!  I am tired most days now, no matter how much sleep I get.  I wake up tired and sore.  Getting comfortable is getting tough.
What I miss:   Bending over, having energy, a wide variety of clothes to wear.
Cravings:  Ice cold water!  And Milk!! And I guess probably cereal, but I think is only because it is a way to get milk!!
Aversions: none
Symptoms:  Achy, small appetite, tired, cranky
Best Moment this week:  Our maternity photo session!! We have the best time!! 

1 comment:

  1. OMG am I so glad that we got that bag packed!!! It has been on my to-do list FOREVER!!! You know me! I always like to be organized with things CROSSED OFF MY LIST!! This has gone so fast for me. 34 weeks already!! Cant wait until Addison is actually touching my face, instead of pushing on my head through your belly!!
