Tuesday, July 26, 2011

It's been a while...

It's now approaching 2 months since since I last posted anything :(

My last update was at week 39...a quick update:
Had the baby!! Our beautiful, perfect, precious, angel baby girl was born 6/18/11 at 6:12pm ~ 8lbs 15oz 21.25 inches long! After a failed induction we opted for an elective c-section, best decision!!

She is growing so fast, growing and changing every day! The love I feel for my little girl in indescribable! I hardly remember life before her! She has brought so much joy and love into our home :). It's more then I imagined it to be and life has a whole new meaning!!!

I have a billon pictures I would love to post, but I'm writing this on my phons while Addison sleeps on my chest!!

My goal is to capture our memories here, I just hope I start finding or making the time!!

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