Wednesday, April 13, 2011

31 Weeks

We are down to single digit weeks until our due date - 9 weeks to go!!!  64 days to be exact! 

Pregnancy Highlights:  Hearing Addison’s heartbeat nice a strong – 150 bpm! And scheduling our induction in case she doesn’t come naturally!  June 20th!
How Far Along: 31 weeks
Size of baby: 16 inches long.  And should weight about 3.3 lbs…but I have a feeling she is more than that!
Total Weight Gained/Lost: I have stopped caring.  I went to the doctor this morning and they didn’t tell me and I didn’t ask. 
Maternity Clothes: Always!
Gender: We can’t wait to meet our daughter ~ Addison Reilly
Movement: Yes! All the time!  Morning, noon and night!!  I sometimes wonder when she sleeps!  I love every movement I feel!!!
Sleep:  Sleeping pretty good!! I wake up at least twice to use the bathroom and fall back asleep pretty easily!  Although, some nights, like last night…I was wide awake from 3am – 4:30am.  It is getting more difficult to get comfortable, so I switch sides a lot throughout the night, and since there are only a couple of options, I move a lot. 
What I miss:   Where should I start??  Everything! 
Cravings:  Peanut Butter with cold milk!
Aversions: none
Symptoms:  I have been having pelvis and back pain.  In the last couple of days I have been having cramping in my pelvis.  The Doc said they are Braxton Hicks…and so they begin.  They are not painful, just there at this point.
Best Moment this week:  Spring Cleaning!  All the cleaning is for us but also for my Baby Shower, this Saturday!!!  I am so excited to have all my friends in one place to celebrate our baby girl!!!

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