Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Random Things

1. Spring Cleaning - Dan and I decided we needed to get the house ready for my baby shower.  We each had certain things we wanted to address in the house to get the house ready.  That list combined turned into over 50 things.  Items ranging from cleaning all mirros, to cleaning all windows, power washing, steam cleaning, cleaning behind fridge...the list goes on and on!  I have done very little to complete anything on this list.  Not because I don't want to, but because I have the BEST husband in the world!!! He does not want me to do anything...he says I am 31 weeks pregnant and I need to take it easy!!  He has even taken time off from work to complete this list and get the house Baby Shower ready!

2.  I left work early (Monday, April 11th) for the first time since I've been pregnant because I was not feeling good.   On Sunday, we started our day at the grocery store at about 8:30 am to get food for the week...the day rolled on from there!  We didn't stop once - we cleaned every inch of the front and back for the house!  Finally at about 5:30pm we sat down for dinner!  The house looks fabulous, the best on the street in our opinions, but both of our bodies felt it.  I was asleep by 8:30pm.  Monday I went to work, but left by 10:30am, my body was so achy and tired. I layed in bed all day and felt so much better by late afternoon.  I now know, I have to take breaks and not over do it!  Making it to 31 weeks before taking time off for not feeling great, I think is pretty good!!

3.  We went to a community yard sale on Saturday and found a car seat base for $20!  They are $85 at Babies R US!!!! Woooohoooo!!! It was a great find!! We only need 2 more now...I think we'll hit up a few more yard sales to see if we can find more!

4.  I feel like I did in the first trimester.  TIRED!  I never feel rested and if I do, it's for about 20 mins in the morning.  I am still doing my best to walk at least 3 times a week, the walks do help with my energy!  Although, I have now termed them "waddles" instead of walks!!  I move much much slower then before...

5.  The nursery is all put together!  With the exception of the rocking chair which we won't have until late May - early June!!  I'll post pictures soon!!!!

6.  We finally met the doctor that will be delivering Addison!! Dr. Thurston!  Thankfully, we both really liked her and she spent plenty of time with us at our appointment today!!

7.  We scheduled our induction today!  If Addison doesn't arrive naturally sometime between June 14th and June 19th then we will be induced on June 20th!  Knowing this kind of freaks me out a little bit.  If not before, I know that on June 20th, we will meet our daughter and I will officially be a mom for the first time!!! 

8.  I HAVE to stop stressing about stupid stuff and stop letting momentary bad moods effect the rest of my day.  My pregnancy has not been bad by any means, I wasn't sick in the beginning and I have had no complications.  I have been healthy the entire time and Addison has been growing right on track.  I just personally do not like being pregnant.  I do no feel like myself most days and I feel like I don't look like myself.  These things can turn my day sour form the start.  I am also not an emotional person, but pregnancy has changed that...I cry just because and this has also been hard to adjust too.  But, for the next 9 weeks, I am going to try to enjoy every up and down!!  This is almost over and who knows, this could be the last time I do this!  I promise to try and see the prositive in things!!!!  Starting now.... 

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