Tuesday, April 19, 2011

32 weeks!

Only 8 weeks until my due date ~ 56 days!  It seems so close, but I know, they will probably be the longest 8 weeks ever.  The days at work drag by, I am just uncomfortable sitting at my desk all day.  I try to walk around as much as possible, but it doesn't really help.  My belly is growing every day, and it is now really, really hard!

Pregnancy Highlights:  Movement!  The movement I feel now is so differnet from before. You can see her moving so clearly now!  It’s not longer pokes and kicks, they are fluid movements.  It’a amazing and strange at the same time!
How Far Along: 32 weeks (8 weeks left)
Size of baby: According to babycenter.com ~ about 3.75 lbs and 16.7 inches long!
Total Weight Gained/Lost: I don’t know!  I haven’t weighed myself in several days! 
Maternity Clothes: Always!
Gender: We can’t wait to meet our daughter ~ Addison Reilly
Movement: Yes!
Sleep:  So-so!   I wake up a lot during the night.  And I wake up feeling tired… 
What I miss:   Energy!
Cravings:  Nothing really…I don’t have much of an appetite and when I do eat I get so full, that I haven’t been eating too often.
Aversions: none
Symptoms:  My hands and feet have been swelling…and my back aches.
Best Moment this week:  Our baby shower!!!

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