Thursday, April 28, 2011

33 weeks!!

Only 7 weeks left!!!  It's hard to believe that Addison will be here so soon!!  I remember thinking back in October when we found out we were expecting, that June seemed like a lifetime away...not it is right around the corner!!  Trust me, I am already ready for her to make her arrival, of course after 37 weeks!  I have good days and bad days....some days I am so tired and so uncomfortable all I want is for this to be done!  But other days, I feel today, is a good day!!   I didn't take a picture on exactly 33 weeks because I worked from home that day because I came down with strep throat :(  

The picture on the left is 32w6d and the one on the right is 33w1d:

Pregnancy Highlights:  Crazy Movement!! 
How Far Along: 33 weeks (7 weeks left)
Size of baby: According to ~ about 4 - 4.5lbs and anywhere from 17 - 19 inches long!
Total Weight Gained/Lost: Enough!  But not too much!  Went to the doctor and she and I are happy with my weight gain!
Maternity Clothes: Always!
Gender: We can’t wait to meet our daughter ~ Addison Reilly
Movement: Yes!
Sleep:  I wake up ALL night.  Some nights it every hour to peeeee....totally sucks!!!  
What I miss:   Moving easily, energy, white wine, cold beer and all my cute spring clothes I can't wear right now.
Cravings:  Water with Ice, very cold cold water.  I drink cold water constantly, which is why I am up half the night!
Aversions: none
Symptoms:  waddling. some swelling, nothing crazy!  I have taken my wedding rings off though, because a pregnant nurse at my doctors office showed me hers, her hands are so swollen she can't get hers off or barely move them!  I don't want that happening!
Best Moment this week:  seeing my baby girl move so much!!

I am getting really anxious, and can't wait to meet you Addison!!!

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